Having a qualified and experienced accounting expert witness testifying on your behalf during a business or financial dispute can offers a significant advantage to the litigation process.
Veriti Consulting provides accounting expert witness testimony throughout the U.S. on matters such as:
- Business Disputes
- Business Valuation Matters
- Demonstrative Evidence
- Economic Damages
- Family Court Elder Abuse Cases
- Fraud and Forensic Accounting
- Malfeasance or Embezzlement
- Marital Dissolution
- Opposing Expert Review
- Securities Fraud Expert Witness
- Tax Fraud Investigations
Veriti’s professional forensic CPAs, fraud examiners and business valuation expert accountants bring decades of experience and have testified in state, federal and bankruptcy courts, and at arbitration and mediation. Veriti’s professionals provide consulting and expert witness services for civil and criminal matters at all stages of a dispute.
Call Veriti Consulting at 877.520.1280 or send us an email to learn more about our expert witness services.
Expert Witness Services FAQs
1) When should an expert witness be retained?
It is most efficient and effective to get the accounting expert witness on board in the early stages of a case. In most instances, the financial expert can provide assistance in document discovery and provide valuable insight into what documents should be requested. In addition, the financial expert can assist in developing strategy and early estimates of damages.
2) The other side of a case has not disclosed CPA expert witness; however, I do not understand the financial aspects of my case. How can Veriti help?
Veriti’s team of CPAs, fraud examiners and business valuation experts often act as consulting experts for attorneys to make the job of sorting through the financial records and analysis easier for the attorney. They do not need to be disclosed to the other side.
3) What are Veriti’s accounting expert witness fees?
The fee structure varies; however, Veriti’s professionals charge by the hour and all staff working on the case will be credentialed in the area of expertise applicable to the project. The hourly rate is lower for providing analysis and written accounting expert witness report, with a slightly higher fee for time spent preparing for and attending a deposition or trial.