The issue of economic damages can be a critical component of deciding whether to litigate or settle a case. Veriti Consulting’s CPAs and consultants have the technical expertise and case experience to analyze complex situations, assist with discovery and render effective independent opinions. Veriti’s damage calculations are based on sound economic analysis and are supported by financial data and supporting documentation to enhance either the plaintiff’s or defendant’s claims.
Our professionals are certified in financial forensics and have significant experience analyzing damages of all types. We are also economic damages expert testifiers, having given sworn testimony in federal and state courts.
Veriti Consulting is experienced in analyzing, reporting and testifying on economic damages in connection with:
- Business interruption losses
- Commercial economic damage analysis
- Contract breaches
- Construction disputes
- Cost recovery
- Impairment of financial assets
- Insurance claims related to arson, business interruption, etc.
- Lost profits, earnings or revenues
- Mitigation
- Personal injury
- Punitive damages
- Potential recovery analysis
- Wrongful death
- Wrongful dismissal claims
- Shareholder disputes
Veriti excels at providing economic damages expert services for both plaintiffs and defendants who are in various stages of litigation, mediation, and arbitration. Veriti’s professionals serve as consulting experts or expert witnesses throughout the litigation process.
If you or your business require economic damages support contact Veriti Consulting at 877.520.1280 or send us an email to learn more about our professional expert witness services.
Economic Damages FAQs
1) When should an expert be hired to assist in an economic damages case?
While it is preferable to get a economic damages accounting expert hired from the start, many times it is not financially feasible. Veriti can assist during the litigation process as a consulting expert to determine if a plaintiff has an economic claim that exceeds the fees involved to prove their case. Conversely, Veriti’s litigation expert witness professionals have reviewed reports for defendants that are deemed to be speculative claims and not based on accurate assumptions and data.
2) The financial component of a litigated matter seems to be the most difficult to convey to the judge or jury. What sets Veriti apart from other financial experts?
Veriti’s managing directors have decades of experience testifying before judges and juries. They are down- to-earth professionals who are uniquely skilled at conveying very technical and complex economic damages calculations in a manner that is easily understandable. By using charts and graphs to demonstrate financial analysis, Veriti’s economic damages expert witness can explain findings to the Court in a simple and cogent manner.
3) Who should hire the forensic economic damages expert – the attorney or the client (plaintiff or defendant)?
It may be preferable to be hired by the attorney or law firm so the accounting expert witness and the attorney can maintain privilege that is otherwise discoverable by the opposing side. In most instances, the law firm will retain the economic damages expert testimony, with the financial responsibility resting with the person or entity involved in the lawsuit.
Contact Veriti Consulting at 877.520.1280 or email us to learn more about our economic damages expert witness services.