If you are involved in a lawsuit, and you are seeking damages, how do you know how much money you will receive? What you need is objective evidence that demonstrates your losses. To get this type of evidence, you need an economic damages expert.
An economic damages expert is a professional who knows how to determine how much you have lost, and back this claim up with facts.
Here are four tips to help you:
1. Experience with Cases like Yours
There are many situations that may lead to economic loss. A professional who has experience with industrial espionage will be of little use if you lost money in a bad investment scam. Choose a professional financial expert witness who has experience providing economic damages expert witness services on trials similar to yours.
2. Relationships with Law Enforcement
Where there are economic damages, a crime may have been committed. Hiring a professional who has worked with local law enforcement will make it that much easier to press criminal charges if the need arises.
3. The Expertise You Need
You need to hire a professional who has the right skills. Writing an eloquent sounding report describing your situation is helpful, but if the statements in that report do not accurately reflect the real world, your case is unlikely to succeed. Be sure to choose a professional with expertise in your situation and has the ability to provide economic damages expert testimony in court on your behalf.
4. Top-Notch Communication Skills
If your case goes to court, your economic damages expert could be called to testify in court as an accounting expert witness. If this happens, you need an expert who is comfortable speaking in public. Expressing complex legal issues in layman’s terms is difficult, and it is a skill that not everyone has mastered. If the jurors have no idea what your expert witnesses are talking about, they will not be able to determine if his or her points make sense or not. Your chances of success will decrease.
If you must take your case to court, you might as well do your best to win the case. Having the right economic damages expert on your side may well be the key to your success.
Learn more about the support provided by economic damages experts. Contact Veriti Consulting LLC at info@veriticonsulting.com or call 855.232.4410 to speak with one of our service professionals.