You’re driving down the road when suddenly you see that you need gas. You’re in a bit of a hurry and looking to get in and out and be on your way as soon as possible. You quickly put your credit card in the slot at the pump and begin fueling. But unbeknownst to you, you’ve just become a victim of a credit card skimmer. Your card info has been stolen. How did this happen? And how can you keep it from happening again in the future? Let’s take a look at credit card gas pump skimmers and how they work.
Credit Card Gas Pump Skimmers
A skimmer is a device that’s affixed surreptitiously to a credit card reader. It looks just like the slot that you’d ordinarily put your card into. But as cards are inserted into it, the skimmer scans the magnetic strips and clones them. Then the person who installed it can access your credit card information and steal your identity. Some identity thieves even set up miniature hidden cameras near their skimmers, to glean debit card passwords as well, so that they can withdraw money from your account with impunity.
Credit card skimmers can be installed anywhere you might insert a credit card, including the ATM at your bank. But gas pumps are one of the most popular forms of skimming. Lots of people swipe their credit cards to pay for gas every day, and most of them are in a hurry and not paying much attention. It’s the perfect place to take advantage of poor unsuspecting people and steal their identities.
Avoiding Skimmers
As you saw in the picture above, at first glance, credit card skimmers look just like ordinary card readers. It can be very difficult to tell the difference. So what can you do to prevent having your own identity stolen at the gas station—or anywhere else? Here are a few steps you can take:
- Protect Your Password. For debit card users, always assume that someone is looking over your shoulder, whether it’s a person or a camera, whether they are or not. Shield the keypad as you type your password, so that no one can see it.
- Look for Tampering. Look at the card reader. Does it seem a bit off? Does it seem shoddily put together? If it’s a pump you visit all the time, does it look different from the way it usually does—even a little bit? Try wiggling the slot a little bit to see if it gives. If it does, there’s a good chance it’s an unauthorized addition.
- If there are multiple card readers at the gas station, look at the one next to yours. Does it look the same, or is it different? If the two are identical, then you’re probably safe. But if they’re not, you may be dealing with a skimmer.
The most important thing you can do to prevent credit card gas pump skimmers, though, is simply to be alert. These identity thieves prey on those who are distracted, busy, and not paying attention. Even if you’re in a hurry, take a few moments to look carefully before you insert your card anywhere. Those few extra moments can save you a whole lot of hassle and heartache later on.
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